About Us
Inforum was founded in 1967 by Dr. Clopper Almon, Professor Emeritus of the University of Maryland. It is dedicated to improving business planning, government policy analysis, and the general understanding of the economic environment. Inforum accomplishes this mission through:
- Building and using structural economic models of U.S. and other economies. Inforum pioneered the construction of dynamic, interindustry, macroeconomic models which portray the economy in a unique “bottom-up” fashion.
- Working with government and private sector research sponsors to investigate a variety of issues. Economic projections and analysis using Inforum econometric models are distinguished by detail at the industrial and product level.
- Maintaining active and productive ties with a world-wide network of research associates, each of which uses Inforum modeling methods and software. The Inforum partners have held annual conferences since 1993.
Looking ahead:
- Following a successful partnership with the University of Maryland which spanned more than five decades, Inforum became an independent organization on September 30, 2021.
- Inforum is grateful to the University for a relationship that yielded many research accomplishments and even more friendships since 1966. At the same time, we are excited for the opportunity to focus more intently on our unique mission.
- Greater autonomy will allow Inforum to serve our clients and stakeholders better by maximizing our agility and independence in rapidly changing business and policy environments.
- We remain committed to improving our models, techniques, and analyses, and we will offer the same professional, diligent, and unbiased research and consulting services that have established the rich legacy and reputation of Inforum.
- Contact us today to learn more about Inforum and how its expertise can help your organization.