
G7 Databanks

This page lists the G7 databanks that are currently made available by Inforum. Click on the links below to download the .zip file into your local directory. Unzip it and use Inforum’s database and regression package, G7, to access that data. For assistance when using G, consult the G7 Manual. The list below indicates the source of data, date of its last update, and a brief description.

BEA National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA)
NIPA – Annual


Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis
Data Release Date: 6/27/2024
First Period Covered: 1929
Last Period Covered: 2023
Description: Annual data from BEA’s National Income and Product Accounts.

NIPA – Quarterly


Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis
Data Release Date: 6/27/2024
First Period Covered: 1947 Q1
Last Period Covered: 2024 Q1
Description: Quarterly data from BEA’s National Income and Product Accounts.

NIPA – Monthly


Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis
Data Release Date: 6/27/2024
First Period Covered: January 1929
Last Period Covered: May 2024
Description: Monthly data from BEA’s National Income and Product Accounts.

BLS Consumer Price Index (CPI)
BLS Consumer Price Index (CPI)


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Data Release Date: 7/11/24
First Period Covered: January 1997
Last Period Covered: June 2024
Description: Monthly index that measures the change in prices paid by consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services.

BLS Current Employment Statistics (CES)
BLS Current Employment Statistics – Non-Seasonally Adjusted


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Data Release Date: 7/5/2024
First Period Covered: January 1939
Last Period Covered: June 2024
Description: The Current Employment Statistics (CES) program produces detailed industry estimates of nonfarm employment, hours, and earnings of workers on payrolls.

BLS Current Employment Statistics – Seasonally Adjusted


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Data Release Date: 7/5/2024
First Period Covered: January 1939
Last Period Covered: June 2024
Description: The Current Employment Statistics (CES) program produces detailed industry estimates of nonfarm employment, hours, and earnings of workers on payrolls.

BLS Producer Price Index (PPI)
BLS Producer Price Index (PPI)


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Data Release Date: 7/12/24
First Period Covered: January 1982
Last Period Covered: June 2024
Description: Monthly index that measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output.

Census – Monthly Retail Trade Survey
Census – Monthly Retail Trade Survey


Source: Census Bureau
Data Release Date: 7/16/2024
First Period Covered: January 1992
Last Period Covered: June 2024
Description: Monthly sales statistics describing conditions in the U.S. retail industry.

Census – Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey
Census – Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey


Source: Census Bureau
Data Release Date: 7/10/2024
First Period Covered: January 1992
Last Period Covered: May 2024
Description: Monthly sales statistics describing conditions in the U.S. wholesale industry.

EIA – Short Term Energy Outlook
EIA – Short Term Energy Outlook


Source: Energy Information Administration
Data Release Date: 7/9/24
First Period Covered: January 2020
Last Period Covered: December 2025
Description: Short-term monthly forecasts of energy markets.

Census – Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories, & Orders
Census – Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories, & Orders

Source: Census
Data Release Date: 6/27/24
First Period Covered: January 1992
Last Period Covered: May 2024
Description: Monthly statistical data that measures current industrial activity in the manufacturing sector.

Federal Reserve – Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization
Federal Reserve – Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization


Source: Federal Reserve
Data Release Date: 7/17/24
First Period Covered: January 1919
Last Period Covered: June 2024
Description: Industrial Production, Capacity Utilization, Capacity, Gross Value of Products, and Diffusion Indexes.