International Partners
Over the last 30 years, Inforum has directed much of its effort to developing a linked system of international macro/interindustry models, all constructed with a consistent methodology. The small staff of Inforum in College Park could not have achieved this without the help of its growing family of international partners.
The linked system of models currently is composed of models for the following 13 countries: Canada, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Spain, Austria, China, and the U.S. The models are linked through the Bilateral Trade Model (BTM), so that economic behavior in one country consistently affects the economies of other countries at the industry level. For example, the production of autos in Japan ultimately affects the demand for iron ore in Canada, through the requirements of Japanese steel supplies to the Japanese auto industry.
Inforum continues to work with the partner organizations to help them build models of their countries, or to update their models using the Inforum Interdyme modeling software. View our list of international partners below.
Research Center: University of Queensland – School of Economics, Centre for Economic Policy Modeling
Inforum Model: CEPMOD
Conference Presentations:
- Wild, P. (2004). Overview of Progress and Problems of the Australian Model.
Research Center: Department of Quantitative Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Inforum Model: AEIOU II (60 sectors)
Conference Presentations:
- Richter, J. (2001). Some Reflections on the Empirical Foundations of Inforum Models.
- Richter, J. (2004). The Present and Future Data Situation in EU Countries for Inforum Modeling.
- Richter, J. (2005). INFORUM Modeling in National Accounting Systems with Chain-Weighted Indexes.
- Boehm, B., Richter, J. (2006). AEIOU – Towards a New Austrian INFORUM Model.
- Richter, J., Parve, R. (2007). Linking a simple INFORUM model as a satellite to the BTM: The case of AEIOU.
- Richter, J. (2008). The Statistical Environment of INFORUM models-major changes ahead.
- Richter, J. (2009). The Statistical Environment of INFORUM Models – Update of the changes ahead.
Research Center: E.R.I
Inforum Model: Belgian Inforum Model (53 sectors)
Research Center: Econometrik National Plus Inc.
Inforum Model: FuturCanada Model
Conference Presentations:
- Carre, R. (2002). The FuturCanada Model.
Research Centers:
- Development Research Center, the State Council
- Institute of Quantitative Economics, Central University of Finance & Econometrics
- Information Center of Jiangsu Province
Inforum Model: Multisectoral Development Analysis of China (MUDAN – 59 Sectors)
Conference Presentations:
- Wang, Y. (2002). The Multi-Sector Model of the Jiangsu Province.
- Li, Z., Wang, Y. (2003). Economic Model Used in Xuzhou Region Development Planning Project.
- Shengchu P., Songqi Yu (2003). Introduction to MUDAN Model (CUFE Version).
- Wang, Y. (2004). An Analysis of Jiangsu Economic Growth Goals in the 11th Five-year Plan (2006-2010).
- Shantong, L. Jianwu, H. (2004). SAM-based Multiplier Analysis for China’s economy.
- Shengchu, P., Yuan, F., Lingyao, Z. (2005). A Research on Series Input-output Tables based on National Standard of Industrial Classifications.
- Shantong, L., Zhigang, D. (2005). Some Trend on China Direct Input Coefficient.
- Shantong, L., Jianwu, H. (2005). China’s Economic Development Prospects.
- Wang, Y., Sasai, Y., Ono, M. (2005). The Linkage Between MUDAN and JIDEA.
- Shantong, L., Jianwu, H., Xu, Z. (2006). The Impact of the Increase of Energy Price on China’s Economy and Income Distribution
- Wang, Y. (2006). A Small Region Development Model with Population and Economy Linkage.
- Mingshuo, F., Shengchu P. (2007). New databank of Mudan Model Based on the 2002 I-O Table of China.
- Shantong L., Xinquan G., Huiyan S., (2007). CHINA: Regional Input-Output Analysis (2002).
- Jianwu, H., (2008). Energy and emission embodied within China’s international trade.
- Zhaoyuan, X., Shantong, L. (2008). Estimating the Inter-Regional Trade Based on 2002 IO Tables.
- Shantong, L. Jianwu, H. (2008). China: Regional Industrial Structure and Energy Intensity.
- Mingshuo, F., Shengchu P. (2008). A Study on the Effects of Energy Saving on China Economy Using Mudan Model.
- Shengchu P., Lingyao Z. (2009). A Macroeconomic Model of China Economy.
- Shantong L., Xie, A. (2009). Analysis of Factors Causing Different Energy Intensities in China’s Different Regions.
Research Center: Statistics Denmark
Inforum Models:
- Danish Dynamic Multisectoral Macroeconomic Model (DANDY3M – 52 Sectors)
- ADAM – 19 Sectors
Conference Presentations
- Rormose Jensen, P. (2001) A Dynamic KLEM Factor Demand System for Dandy3m.
- Rormose Jensen, P. (2004). A New Model of Consumption of Motor Vehicles Based on Gross and Net Stocks.
Research Center: University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Institute of Economics
Conference Presentations:
- Grassini, M., & Paas, T. (2004). Overview of the Estonian Economy and the Progress of the Estonian multisectoral model.
- Paas, T. (2006). Regional Income Disparities: Convergence or Divergence within EU-25.
- Paas, T. (2008). Analysis of sectoral shifts in the EU economies.
Research Center: Université de Rennes I – Faculté des Sciences Economiques
Inforum Model: FUR – 98 Sectors
Conference Presentations:
- Salmon, P. (2001). FUR and European Integration.
- Salmon, P. (2006). Modeling and New Technologies.
- Salmon, P., Ozhan G., Ozhan, M. (2008). TINYTurk, a Tiny model based on Turkish data.
- Salmon, P., Ozhan G., Ozhan, M. (2008). TINYNorthCyprus.
- Salmon, P. (2009). Madiba, The Cameroonian Inforum Model.
Research Center: Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftliche Strukturforschung mbH
Inforum Models:
- GINFORS – 48 Sectors
- INFORGE – 59 Sectors
- PANTA RHEI – 59 Sectors
- SPARTEN – 250 Branches
- LAENDER – 11 Sectors
- DEMOS – 59 Sectors
- tee3e-Tunesia – 19 Sectors
- GRAM – 48 Sectors
Conference Presentations:
- Meyer, B. (2001). Macroeconomic and Structural Effects of the German Environmental Tax Reform.
- Lutz, C. (2001). Stochastic Simulations with the Model PANTA RHEI.
- Hohmann, F. (2001). Computer Demonstration: Visual Basic for Economists.
- Distelkamp, M. (2002). Computing a Time-Series of Input-Output Tables Consistent with SNA 93.
- Hohmann, F. (2002). DataView: A New Tool for Interdyme.
- Hohmann, F. (2002). The Use of PDA’s (Personal Digital Assistants) in Economic Modeling.
- Hohmann, F. (2003). Graphical User Interface IMAGINE.
- Hohmann, F. (2004). Synchronizing Inforum Models.
- Meyer, B. (2006). National Economic Policy Simulations with Global Interdependencies. A Sensitivity Analysis for Germany.
- Meyer, B. (2007). Oil Price, GDP and International Trade: The Case of Germany.
- Giljum, S., Lutz, C., Jungnitz, A. (2007). A multi-regional environmental input-output model to quantify embodied material flows.
- Monnig, A. (2008). Product Tax Modelling in INFORGE.
Research Center: GKI Economic Research Co.
Inforum Model: DUNA – 21 Sectors
Research Center: University of Florence, Dipartimento di Studi sullo Stato
Inforum Model: INTIMO – 59 Sectors
- Grassini, M., (2001). Scenarios for Evaluating the Impact of Eastern Enlargement of the EU.
- Bardazzi, R., (2001). The Analysis of Welfare Effects in INTIMO: A Preliminary Study.
- Grassini, M., (2002). European Enlargement: Modeling Framework and Simulations.
- Bardazzi, R., (2002). Cohort, Age and Year Effects on Italian Household Consumption.
- Grassini, M., (2003). Computable General Equilibrium Modeling Approach. Does It Make Any Sense?
- Bardazzi, R. (2003). The Effects of Italian Tax Reform on Corporations: Microsimulation Approach.
- Grassini, M., Paas, T. (2004). Overview of the Estonian Economy and the Progress of the Estonian multisectoral model.
- Grassini, M., Pocs, R. (2004). Overview of the Latvian Economy and the Skeleton of the Latvian multisectoral model.
- Parve, R. (2004). Experiences with Almon’s Product-to-Product Algorithm: The Cases of Italy, Spain, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Turkey Supply and Use Tables.
- Grassini, M., (2005). CGE Versus Inforum Modelling Approach.
- Grassini, M., (2005). Rowing along the Computable General Equilibrium Modelling Mainstream.
- Bardazzi, R., Grassini, M., (2005). The EU Stability and Growth Pack and INTIMO: some preliminary comments.
- Grassini, M., (2006). A Bilateral Trade Tool for EU25.
- Bardazzi, R. (2006). Health Care Services Demand in Italy.
- Bardazzi, R. (2007). ItalianPADS re-estimated: some preliminary results.
- Grassini, M. (2007). New Features of the Intimo Model.
- Grassini, M. (2008). Stability and Growth Programmes inconsistency evaluated by means of the EU27 Bilateral Trade Tool.
- Ghezzi, L. (2008). A preliminary analysis of Italian Regional growth through a Multiregional Input-Output model.
- Bardazzi, R. (2008). A (very Tiny) multisectoral model for France: present stage of development.
- Grassini, M.(2009). Accumulation and Competitiveness.
- Bardazzi, R.(2009). Productivity measurement in France and Italy.
Japan – ITI
Research Center: Institute of International Trade and Investment
Inforum Model: Japan Interindustry Dynamic Econometric Analysis (JIDEA – 73 Sectors)
Conference Presentations:
- Hasegawa, T. (2001). The Economic Influence of a Japan-Korea Free Trade Area.
- Imagawa, T., Sasai, Y.and Hasegawa, T. (2001). Koizumi’s structural reform and the Japanese economy – A simulation analysis on the budget cut effects.
- Hasegawa, T. (2002). Structural Change and Competitiveness: An Analysis Based on Jidea 5.
- Sasai, Y. (2002). Alternative ACROSS System for Making a Time-Series of Input-Output Tables.
- Ono, M. (2002). Changes in the Intermediate Input Structure of Japanese Manufacturing Sectors.
- Hasegawa, T. (2002). Comparative Simulations of the Japanese Economy with Alternative Models.
- Sasai, Y. (2002). Japanese Accelerator-Multiplier Interaction Model – JAMI.
- Sasai, Y. (2003). General Features of JIDEA 5.
- Ono, M. (2003). Japanese Industrial Competitiveness Revealed by Technology Factor.
- Imagawa, T. (2003). International Competitiveness of Japanese Industry: Analysis Based on JIDEA 5.
- Hasegawa, T. (2003). Japanese IT Industry in Micro- and Macroeconomic Contexts: Simulation of Japanese Macro Dynamic Input-Output Analysis in JIDEA 5 Model.
- Sasai, Y. (2004). Constructing JIDEA model version 5.1 for Japan-China bilateral trade.
- Hasegawa, T. (2004). Japan-China Regional Economic Integration and Asian Economic Growth: Influence on the Japanese Economy.
- Imagawa, T. (2004). International Competitiveness of Japanese Industries in the US Market.
- Ono, M., Sasai, Y., Imagawa, T., Hasegawa, T., Shiraishi K. (2005). Simulation of Japan-China Regional Economic Arrangement.
- Hasegawa, T. (2005). Welfare Aspects in the Realignment of Commercial Framework between Japan and China.
- Hasegawa, T. (2006). Time Series Data of Japanese Capital Stock by Sector.
- Ono, M. (2006). Development of JIDEA 6, Current position of development.
- Sasai, Y. (2006). On the Capital Matricies of JIDEA 6.
- Imagawa, T. (2006). On the Depreciation Sector of JIDEA 6.
- Shiraishi, Kenichi (2006). Influence of Indirect Tax Change on Japanese Economy in JIDEA dynamic model.
- Hasegawa, T. (2007). Investment Behavior and Industrial Competitiveness.
- Imagawa, T. (2007). Jidea6 and Accountant – Is the accountant useful?
- Sasai, Y. (2007). Structural Change of Japanese Economy – Long term projection by JIDEA6.
- Ono, M. (2007). Building JIDEA6: Result and its Problems.
- Imagawa, T. (2008). Trade and Labor Productivity Effects on the Changing Structure of Employment in Japan.
- Sasai, Y. (2008). The Japanese Labor Force in Future with JIDEA7 simulation.
- Hasegawa, T. (2008). Labor Share in the Change of Japanese Industrial Structure.
- Ono, M. (2008). The Evaluation of technological progress in Japanese Economy- using JIDEA7.
- Hasegawa, T. (2009). Production and Outsourcing in Japanese Economy.
- Ono M., Sasai Y., Hasegawa T., Imagawa, T. (2009). Introduction to JIDEA Base Line and Japanese Economy.
- Ono M., Sasai Y., Hasegawa T., Imagawa, T. (2010). The prediction of CO2 emissions up to 2020 in Japanese economic activities.
- Toshiaki Hasegawa and Yong Shang (2010). Analyzing Two Region Input-Output Tables in a Country: Case of Henan Province and the Rest of China.
- Yun Xu (2010). The Economic Relationship between China and East Asia From the Viewpoint of International I-O Analysis.
Japan – CHERP
Research Center: Chuo Econometric Research Project (CHERP)
Inforum Models:
Conference Presentations:
- Hasegawa, T. (2001). The Economic Influence of a Japan-Korea Free Trade Area.
- Hasegawa, T. (2002). Structural Change and Competitiveness: An Analysis Based on Jidea 5.
- Hasegawa, T. (2002). Comparative Simulations of the Japanese Economy with Alternative Models.
- Hasegawa, T. (2003). Japanese IT Industry in Micro- and Macroeconomic Contexts: Simulation of Japanese Macro Dynamic Input-Output Analysis in JIDEA 5 Model.
- Hasegawa, T. (2004). Japan-China Regional Economic Integration and Asian Economic Growth: Influence on the Japanese Economy.
- Hasegawa, T. (2005). Welfare Aspects in the Realignment of Commercial Framework between Japan and China.
- Hasegawa, T. (2006). Time Series Data of Japanese Capital Stock by Sector.
- Shiraishi, Kenichi (2006). Influence of Indirect Tax Change on Japanese Economy in JIDEA dynamic model.
- Hasegawa, T. (2007). Investment Behavior and Industrial Competitiveness.
- Hasegawa, T. (2008). Labor Share in the Change of Japanese Industrial Structure.
- Hasegawa, T. (2009). Production and Outsourcing in Japanese Economy.
- Toshiaki Hasegawa and Yong Shang (2010). Analyzing Two Region Input-Output Tables in a Country: Case of Henan Province and the Rest of China.
- Yun Xu (2010). The Economic Relationship between China and East Asia From the Viewpoint of International I-O Analysis.
- Hasegawa, T. (2011). Offshoring of service industry in Japan
- Hasegawa, T. (2012). External Backward Linkage and External Forward Linkage in Asian International Input-Output Table.
- Hasegawa, T. (2013). Gravity Analysis of Regional Economic Interdependence: In case of Japan
- Hasegawa, T. (2014). Verification of Economic Sacrifice Caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Research Center: Chungbuk Development Institute
Inforum Models:
- KIOSK – 71 Sectors
- Dynamic Input-Output System of Korean Economy (DISK – 80 Sectors)
Research Center: International Business and Customs Institute (SESMI)
Inforum Model: Latvian Multisectoral Macroeconomic Model (LMM – 55 Sectors)
Conference Presentations:
- Grassini, M., Pocs, R.(2004). Overview of the Latvian Economy and the Skeleton of the Latvian multisectoral model.
- Auzina, A., Ozolina, V. (2006). The Development of the Latvian INFORUM Model.
- Pocs, R., Auzina, A., Ozolina, V. (2007). Base-scenario forecasts by Latvian INFORUM model: results and problems.
- Ozolina, V., Pocs, R. (2007). Forecasting Of Electricity Demand In The Industry Sector Using Latvian Multisectoral Model.
- Pocs, R., Auzina, A., Ozolina, V., Pinke, G. (2008). Competitiveness of manufacturing branches in Latvia: international comparison, analysis, and forecasts.
- Pocs, R., Auzina, A., Ozolina, V. (2009). Productivity and Current Trends and Options of Latvian Inforum Model.
Research Center: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
Conference Presentation:
- Rutkauskas, A. & Stankeviciene, J. (2009). Synthesis of Inter-Industrial Balance and Production Function as an Instrument of Regional Sustainable Development.
Research Center: Centro de Investigaciones Socioeconómicas
Research Center: University of Łódź – Department of Theory and Analyses of Economic Systems
Inforum Model: IMPEC – 57 Sectors
Conference Presentations:
- Tomaszewicz, L., Boratynski, J. (2001) Tax Policies – SAM-based Multipliers for Poland.
- Przybylinsky, M., Swieczewska, I. (2001). New Productivity Equations for IMPEC: The Concept and First Results.
- Plich, M. (2002). Structural Change and its Effect on Emissions in Poland.
- Boratynski, J. (2003). Indirect Taxes and Price Formation: Model for the Polish Economy.
- Przybylinski, M. (2003). Import Share Equations for IMPEC.
- Plich, M. (2003). DEMS: Software for Estimation, Model Building and Simulation in Excel.
- Plich, M., Ponewczynski, M. (2003). PCE in IMPEC model – constructing a database.
- Tomaszewicz, L., Trebska, J. (2004). Regional Input-Output Tables for Poland.
- Przybylinski, M. (2004). Foreign Trade and Air Pollution in Poland. Effects in Transition.
- Plich, M. (2004). New PCE Equations for Poland.
- Boratynski, J. (2004). Modelling Income Distribution in the SNA Framework.
- Iwona Swieczewska (2004). The Impact of FDI on the Efficiency of the Polish Economy. A Sectoral View.
- Tomaszewicz, L., Swieczewska, I. (2006). Intersectoral Diffusion of Innovation. The Case of Poland.
- Boratynski, J. (2006). Changes in income generation patterns in Poland.
- Przybylinski, M. (2006). Changes in Polish Foreign Trade and their Impact on the Economy.
- Plich, M. (2006). Modelling Polish Insurance Industry.
- Plich, M. (2007). Developing database for the IMPEC model.
- Przybylinski, M. (2007). Foreign Trade and Energy Consumption.
- Plich, M. (2008). Towards a New Version of the IMPEC Model.
- Tomaszewicz, L., Swieczewska, I. (2008). The role of innovation in the Polish economy’s efficiency growth: a sectoral view.
- Plich, M. (2009). Prices of Energy and the Polish Economy.
- Przybylinski, M. (2009). How do prices of primary energy carriers influence the competitiveness of the Polish economy.
Russia – Moscow
Research Center: Institute for Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences
Inforum Model: RIM – 25 Sectors
Conference Presentations:
- Serebryakov, G. (2002). Inflation in Russia During the Period of Economic Reforms.
- Uzyakov, M. (2002). The I-O Model of Ivanovo Region of Russia.
- Uzyakov, M. (2003). Economic Growth in Russia: Quantitative and Qualitative Components.
- Ivanter, V. (2003). Economic Growth in Russia and Problems of Modeling.
- Shirov, A. (2003). World Economic Development Indicators Usage for RIM Foreign Trade Block Construction.
- Uzyakov, M., Yantovsky, A. (2003). Price Structure Influence on Economy’s Dynamics.
- Korovin, A. (2003). Several Applications of Phillips Curve Model to Russian Labor Market Analysis.
- Shirov, A. (2004). Using factors of external demand to construct export equations in RIM.
- Uzyakov, M., Uzyakov, R. (2004). Development of the Russian Economy in 2004-2005: a scenario forecast.
- Shirov, A. (2005). Simple IO Model: G7 or Excel Alternative (Russian Experience).
- Maslov, A. (2005). The Experience of Product-to-Product IO-Matricies Calculation.
- Yentovsky, A. (2005). Multilevel Model of Regions in the Russian Federation by example of Far East Federal District.
- Uzyakov, M. (2006). Development Trends of Russian Economy.
- Akhmerova, A., Uzyakov, R. (2006). Monetary Policy and Inflation in Russia.
- Shirov, A., Savchishina, K. (2006). Foreign Trade and State Budget Interactions.
- Serebryakov, G. (2006). Personal Consumption Expenditures in Russia.
- Akhmerova, A. (2007). Principal scheme of monetary block: introduction into the RIM-model.
- Shirov, A. (2007). The long-term forecast of development of the Russian economy: 2007-2030.
- Savchishina, K. (2007). The Scheme of the Budget Block in the QUMMIR and the RIM models.
- Russian Team. (2007). Development of Development of new version of RIM model (and fixed capital estimation).
- Shirov, A. (2008). Energy Policy of Russia In Long Term Prospect (2008-2030).
- Savchishina, K. (2008). The Budget Block and the Intuitional Accounts in the RIM model.
- Mironova, E. (2008). Forecasting of employment in Russian interindustry model.
- Kaminova, S. (2008). The Stock market modeling in QUMMIR.
- Shirov, A. (2009). System of interindustry calculations on the base statistics or corporations.
- Savchishina, K. (2009). Development of a budget block in RIM model.
- Kaminova, S. (2009). Progress in Edition of Russian Interindustry Model.
Russia – Novosibirsk
Research Center: Novosibirsk State University
Conference Presentations:
- Baranov, A., Pavlov, V. (2007). Projecting the Development of Russian Economy Using the Dynamic Input-Output Model with Fuzzy Parameters.
- Gilmundinov, V. & Tagaeva, T. (2009). Development of a budget block in RIM model.
South Africa
Research Center: Conningarth Economists
Conference Presentations:
- Mulder, L. (2006). The South African INFORUM Model – An Introduction.
- Kashalala, G. (2007). Modeling the Economics of the South African Water Sector for Policy Analysis: Progress Report.
- Conningarth Economists. (2007). Econometric Model to predict the effect that various Water Resource Management Scenarios would have on South Africa’s Economic Development.
- Mullins, D. (2008). Econometric Model to predict the effect that various Water Resource Management Scenarios would have on South Africa’s Economic Development.
- Mullins, D. (2009). Econometric Model to predict the effect that various Water Resource Management Scenarios would have on South Africa’s Economic Development.
Research Center: CEET
Inforum Model: Macroeconomico Interindustrial de España (MIDE – 43 Sectors)
Conference Presentations:
- Collado, J. (2004). Tomillo’s Experience with MEDEA, a Model of the Andalusia Region.
- Collado, J. (2006). The Impact of Oil Prices on the Maritime (Seaports) Traffic Flows.
Research Center: Laboratoire d’Economie Appliquée (LEA)
Inforum Model: SWIMM – 37 Sectors
Conference Presentations:
- Guillet, S. (2001). Value Added in SWIMM.
- Guillet, S., Gaillard, G. (2003). Multisectoral Model for Switzerland.
- Antille, G. (2007). Data base for the Inforum model of Switzerland.
Research Center: Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Economics
Inforum Model: Interdyme of Thailand with Optimization (TIDY – 26 Sectors)
Conference Presentations:
- Manprasert, S. (2002). A New Model for Thailand.
- Manprasert, S. (2004). Optimization of Fit and Policy in TIDY – the New Thai Interindustry Dynamic Model.
- Manprasert, S. (2006). A Thai Interindustry Dynamic Model for Government Budget Evaluation: An Application from GUI-TIDY.
Research Center: Ankara University
Inforum Models:
- TINYTurk – 59 Sectors
- TINYNorthCyprus – 63 Sectors
- Eastern Anatolian Project – 16 Sectors
- Samsun – 62 Sectors
Conference Presentations:
- Ozhan, G. (2002). A Regional Development Plan in Turkey: Eastern Anatolian Project 2001-2005.
- Ozhan, G. (2004). A SAM for a Region in Turkey.
- Ozhan, G., Ozhan, M. (2005). Input-Output Analysis For Regional Planning in Turkey: Samsun 2004-2023.
- Ozhan, G. (2006). Input-Output Structure of the North Cyprus Economy.
- Salmon, P., Ozhan, G., Ozhan, M. (2008). TINYTurk, a Tiny model based on Turkish data.
- Salmon, P., Ozhan, G., Ozhan, M. (2008). TINYNorthCyprus.
- Kula, M. (2008). Supply – Use and Input – Output Tables for the Turkish Economy.
Research Center: JSC Economic Research Institute, Center for Macroeconomical Analysis and Forecasting
Conference Presentations:
- Aidarkhanova, B. & Mukhambetzhanov, A. (2009). The Kazstem Macroeconomical Forecasting Model of Kazakhstan.